150+ Free Animated SVG Icons
A post by Joseph Howard@http://www.pencilscoop.com/2013/12/150-free-animated-svg-icons/
SVG implementation is fast becoming one of the hottest topics sweeping design and development circles as of late. With all the start-ups and JavaScript libraries, I wanted to create a set of SVG icons that have zero third-party dependencies and that can be implemented easily.
I’ve already written a number of articles on SVG, including
this tutorial on animating icons with simple CSS and a tiny bit of jQuery. If you’re mostly unfamiliar with SVG implementation, it’s a good place to start. For some additional reading, take a look at
this article here, which looks at the comparisons between SVG and icon-fonts.
However, the idea with this article is to provide a set of icons that any web designer or developer can use. Let’s take a look at how everything’s setup.
As you can see in the demo, there are 6 different sets of icons with various differences in styling and animation. All the styling and animation is done exclusively in CSS, externally from the inline SVG mark-up. If you take a look at the source files, you’ll notice I’ve separated all the styling into individual styles-sheets for the corresponding icon style.
Let’s take a look at the general document setup:
- <head>
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>150+ Animated SVG Icons Demo</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/social_line_styles.css"><!--SVG Styles & Animation-->
- </head>
- <body>
- <span class="svg-icon flat-line" id="line-lightning"></span><!-- SVG icon is injected via JavaScript into span via the ID -->
- <script src="js/svg_inject_scoial_line.js"></script><!--SVG injection script - contains the inline SVG Data-->
- </body>
- </html>
As you can see, the setup is quite simple. The SVG mark-up is injected externally via JavaScript and styled in an external style-sheet.
SVG Injection
Let’s take a look at how the JavaScript injects the SVG into the page. The idea here is that you can use it more dynamically as you won’t need to worry about putting SVG inline SVG’s directly into the page. All you need to do is create an HTML element with the corresponding “id”, and the script will inject the SVG into that element. Additionally, I’ve included all the cleaned and optimised SVG files if you prefer to use other means of implementing.
- var SVGstring = "<!--SVG Mark-Up Goes Here-->";
- $(SVGstring).appendTo('#DIV-NAME');
The HTML is pretty simple, the icons are injected into “<span>”s with a class for general styling and an ‘id” for specific styling and the injection.
The SVG mark-up contains all the classes and path data. By default, it contains CSS styling mark-up as well. However I’ve placed this in the style-sheets and applied some basic styling and animations. If you want to get more advanced with the animations, feel free to do so.
Lastly, the flat design icons were designed by
Studio4 | Creative and are free for any use, credit goes to them for the design. However I slightly modified the original designs as well as converted them to SVG (amongst other things). That’s it really. Feel free to use them to your liking.
Please note, although I’ve designed this for easy implementation, you may need to make some minor adjustments in integrating it into your own set-up. Enjoy!
About The Author
Hi I'm Joseph Howard. I'm a web-designer and digital media professional and I'm the creator of PencilScoop. You can get in touch with me through your preferred social media account.
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